Our Opportunities

Welcome to the Vernon College Online Scholarship System!

The 2025-2026 General Application is now available.

Listed below are the scholarships that are available to students with a short explanation about each scholarship’s qualifications. To apply for scholarships, you must first sign in with your Vernon College email address and the password you created during the sign-up process. Complete the General Application. The General Application Form is the main application for most Vernon College Scholarships. Your application will be added to a scholarship fund based on the answers on the General Application Form. Most scholarships will require no further action on your part. However, you may be presented with a list of additional recommended scholarships based on your answers on the General Scholarship Application. These require that you answer additional questions and/or upload a statement relative to that specific scholarship criteria. These are noted with an Apply To button next to the scholarship name. Click on those scholarships to see if you qualify under the additional criteria, if you feel you do, follow the directions to answer the supplemental questions or upload the required statement.

Round 2 of the General Scholarship Application is now open and will close on June 15, 2025

Before you can apply for Vernon College Scholarships, you must be an Admitted Applicant and have a Vernon College Student ID Number and Email address. A person becomes an Admitted Applicant once they have submitted an Admissions Application (https://www.apply.vernoncollege.edu) AND completed the Admissions requirements (VC checklist: https://www.vernoncollege.edu/new-student-checklist). For questions about your Admissions status, please contact the Vernon College Admissions Office at admissions@vernoncollege.edu.

To apply for scholarships, you will sign in with your Vernon College email address and the password you created during the scholarship sign-up process.

If you are applying for Vernon College Scholarships for the first time this is the registration process:
1. Click the “Sign Up” button at the top right.
2. Click on the blue box that says Continue with Blackbaud ID.
3. Click on Continue with SSO.
4. Input your VC email address and continue.
5. Choose Send confirmation code.
6. The confirmation code will go to your VC email. Be patient. It may take a bit.
7. Input the code and you will be prompted to create a password.
8. Click on Sign-up.

If you have issues or questions, please email scholarships@vernoncollege.edu.

This application will close on June 15, 2025.

Click on the Opportunities Dropdown Box in the upper left corner of this page to view External Scholarships that may be posted on this site.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$366.50 Luman Richard Barton, Stella Jane Barton and Darlis Weiszhaar Scholarship
Scholars will be selected by the Vernon College Scholarship Committee...
Varies Mary Anderson Sumner Nursing
Mary Anderson Sumner Scholarship in Nursing, Criteria: Enrolled in the...
$503.00 Mary Ann McCuistion
Mary Ann McCuistion Scholarship, Criteria: Texas Resident. U. S....
Varies Meads Family Scholarship
Meads Family Scholarship, Criteria: Graduates of Baylor County...
$1,000.00 Melody O'Dell Nursing Scholarship
The Melody O’Dell Nursing Scholarship was established on October 1,2024...
$518.00 Missie Matthews
Missie Matthews Scholarship, Criteria: Member of the Vernon College...
Varies Monroe B. and Hermenie Karcher Scholarship
Monroe B. and Hermenie Karcher Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or...
Varies Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCaleb Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCaleb Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0...
Varies Mr. and Mrs. Clois B. Morris; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Clois B. Morris; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morris Endowed...
Varies Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fulcher Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fulcher Scholarship, Criteria: Resident of Wilbarger...
Varies Nancy and Carl Craighead
Nancy and Carl Craighead Scholarship, Criteria: First preference to a...
Varies Nelda O'Neal Memorial
Nelda O’Neal Memorial Endowed Scholarship, Criteria: First preference...
Varies Orlin Brewer Scholarship
Orlin Brewer Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better. Evidence of...
Varies Richard H. Kempf Memorial
Richard H. Kempf Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better. ...
Varies Rock Crossing Baptist Church
Rock Crossing Baptist Church Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better....
Varies Roy and Gretta Hogan Foundation
Roy and Gretta Hogan Foundation Scholarship, Criteria: GPA of 3.0 or...
Varies Ryan Collins Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Collins Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: First preference to a...
$1,000.00 Santa Rosa Construction Annual
Santa Rosa Construction Annual Scholarship, Criteria: Students pursuing...
Varies Stanley and Betty Ray Endowed Scholarship in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Stanley and Betty Ray Endowed Scholarship in Heating, Ventilation and...
Varies Susan and Kelly Couch
Susan and Kelly Couch Endowed Scholarship, Criteria: Must be and...
$0.00 Texoma Women's Business Council - Annual
The Texoma Business Woman Scholarship was established on September 28,...
2,500.00 The Redlicious Meats Merit
The Redlicious Meats Merit Scholarship will be selected based on the...
Varies The Troy Clement Family Scholarship
The Troy Clement Family Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better....
Varies Tiffany Dawn Mason Memorial Scholarship
Tiffany Dawn Mason Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: First preference...
$569.00 Tom and Mary Elliott Nursing
Tom and Mary Elliott Scholarship, Criteria: Enrolled in the Associate...
Varies United Supermarkets Employee and Dependents
United Supermarkets Employee and Dependents Scholarship, Criteria: ...
Varies Vernon Business and Professional Women's Club
Vernon Business and Professional Women’s Club Endowed Scholarship, ...
Varies Vernon College 50th Anniversary
First Preference to applicants from Wilbarger County. Second Preference...
Varies Vernon College Aggie Club - Gary Don Harkey Memorial
Vernon College Aggie Club – Gary Don Harkey Memorial Scholars will be...
$0.00 Vernon College Cosmetology
Recipients are selected by the Director of the Vernon College...
Varies Vernon College Employees' Forum
Vernon College Employees’ Forum Scholarship, Criteria: Resident within...
Varies Vernon College Faculty Senate
Vernon College Faculty Senate Scholarship, Criteria: U. S. Citizen. ...
$0.00 Vernon College Foundation Annual
Vernon College Foundation Annual Scholarship, Criteria: Open to all...
Varies Vernon College Foundation General - Endowed
Vernon College Foundation General Scholarship, Criteria: Preference...
Varies Vernon College Memorial Scholarship
Vernon College Memorial Scholarship. Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better....
Varies Vernon Lions Club Memorial
Vernon Lions Club Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: Resident of...
Varies Vernon Retired Teachers Association Endowed Scholarship
Vernon Retired Teachers Association Endowed Scholarship, Criteria: ...
Varies Vernon Street Machine and Classics Association Scholarship
Vernon Street Machine and Classics Association Scholarship, Criteria: ...
Varies VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 4747, Scholarship 1
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 4747, Scholarship 1 Criteria: First...
Varies VFW Ray Cox Post 4747 Scholarship
VFW Ray Cox Post 4747 Scholarship, Criteria: Veteran or Veteran...
Varies Vicki Pennington Music
Vicki Pennington Endowed Music Scholarship, Criteria: Must fully...
$0.00 Vickie and Otis Smith
First Preference to a Wilbarger County Resident. Secondly Preference to...
Varies W. P. and Jimmie L. Seale Family Scholarship
W. P. and Jimmie L. Seale Family Scholarship, Criteria: Graduate of...
Varies Waggoner National Bank
Waggoner National Bank Scholarship, Criteria: GPA 3.0 or better. ...
$1,500.00 Wilbarger Soil and Water Conservation District Annual
Wilbarger Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Scholarship. ...
$0.00 William J. Duke, Jr. Memorial
William J. Duke, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Criteria: First preference...
Varies Wright Brand Foods
Wright Brand Foods Scholarship, Criteria: Preference to a Vernon Tyson...