Lockett High School

Lockett High School Scholarship, Criteria: First preference to a descendant of a Lockett High School Graduate(s). GPA of 3.0 or better. Enrolled in at least 12 credit hours each fall and spring semester. Terms of Scholarship: Maintain a 3.0 GPA. Scholarship applies to tuition, fees and books. Scholarship must be used within the academic year awarded. Re-application necessary each academic year. Supplemental Instruction: For preferential consideration the applicant must submit a statement naming the Lockett High School Graduate(s) descended from and the applicant’s relationship to the individual(s) named.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a descendant of a Lockett High School Graduate?
  2. For preferential consideration, if you are a descendant of a Lockett High School Graduate(s) plese upload a statement about who you are descended from and your relationship to the individual(s) named.